WATCH: Transition Planning Videos

May 2

Transition Planning & Strategy Videos:  A Discussion With Law Firm Blue Williams


Video_Blue_Williams_2.pngIn this series of law firm videos, Stephen Pizzo, partner at Blue Williams L.L.P., and Brian Kennel, lead consultant at PerformLaw, discuss the law firm's approach to strategic planning and transition planning and how it gives the firm a competitive advantage.  


Effective transition planning has allowed the firm to retain its best attorneys and also attract potential laterals who found limited opportunities at their previous firms. Clients also benefit from proactive transition planning, knowing that they have a secure team in place for the long-term.


Topics discussed in the videos listed below include: 

- The importance of starting transition planning early

- The role of lateral hiring in transition planning

- The importance of flexibility in managing transition planning at a law fim.

- The role of compensation in transition planning

- The importance of communication about transition planning

- How transition planning affects young attorneys and law firm recruiting










At PerformLaw, we have lived the challenges with our clients for the past 17 years. We have experienced the economic and psychological complexities of transitioning a law firm.  Whether it is one partner or several, we are here to guide you through the process of transitioning your law firm.