Maximizing Firm Success Through Market Awareness and Competition

August 18

The most successful firms, whether by design or good fortune, give the needed support to those partners who can match their offering to market needs. Firms that recognize the needs of their partners and and clients are in a much stronger position to compete.


Essentially, partners will be most productive in an environment affording them the resources and freedom to meet precise client needs. Firms that understand their role in building and supporting a highly productive culture utilize the following tools:



Partners, rest assured that your successes will be duly rewarded and your failures will be held accountable. All else being equal, partners who work hard and make good decisions should rightfully make more money than partners who do not. Our compensation system, based on the profits partners contribute, not only encourages practice growth but also ensures proper pricing, optimal case staffing, and efficient cost management.


Market-savvy partners, inspired by the advantages of practicing in a firm with an abundance of successful partners, thrive in an environment that offers economies of scale resulting in cost advantages, reputational advantages, and collaborative growth opportunities. When these characteristics are present, partners are motivated to invest in their firm’s marketing strategy, recruitment of good-fit laterals, attorney development and evaluation systems, strategic succession planning, and quality administrative support. When the needed support is given to these firm functions, client demands are met and firm longevity is secured. And the positive cycle continues.


Firms that implement a well-thought-out system of rewards based on profitability will build a culture that nurtures those who are market-aware and fiercely competitive.